
崖下棲心 (The Heart Dwells Beneath the Cliff) by 中國民樂大師

source: TaiGekTou  2013年11月13日
from the album 空山寂寂 http://www.tudou.com/plcover/TAD42gsERCo/
The Chinese zither played here is 古琴, a plucked string instrument. The bamboo flute 簫 is played vertically, like the western recorder.

Amazing Grace

source: Angelo Vullo  2014年8月21日

R Armando Morabito - Eyes of the Sky

source: Cape Tranquillity  2014年8月21日
Official Youtube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/rarmandom
Images: http://wall.alphacoders.com/big.php?i...

Крис Сфирис "Милый"

source: Елена Кошевая   2014年8月21日
Фото картин цветов акварель авторы художники Тимошин Олег, Кристиан Гранью.

Leonard Cohen - Tower of Song (with lyrics)

source: Adamfulgence    2014年8月21日
From Cohen’s “London Live” (2009); also included in “I’m Your Man” (1988). The recording here is a bit different given the time span ( he will soon turn eighty vs being in his mid-fifties in the first recording). It is also different because it was done at a live concert while on a world tour as apposed to a studio recording.

The “tower of song” represents the whole area of music (i.e. singing, composing,etc) and the people who are in this business.

Cohen incorporates themes of aging (grey hair), loneliness (looking out the window, burning bridges), melancholy (so damn close to everything lost) , irony (the golden voice) and sexuality (crazy for love, not coming on),and regret (..don’t know how the bridges got this wide).

Some might say that this is a bit of a stretch in interpreting these lyrics. As Cohen says about judgement, “I may be wrong”. One thing’s for sure: parts of his poem show that he can be humorous and light-hearted, not just dark and depressing.