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The Last Rose Of Summer - Chloe Agnew
source: Relaxing & Romantic Music 2014年8月30日
Epic Asian Music - Temple Guardians
I. Music-F-Derek Fiechter

source: Derek Fiechter 2014年8月9日
Buy my music here:
iTunes : https://itunes.apple.com/album/id8791...
Bandcamp : http://derekfiechter.bandcamp.com
Amazon mp3 : http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00K...
Jean-Pierre Cassigneul
source: Masha.M. S 2014年5月30日
French artist Jean-Pierre Cassigneul was born on July 13, 1935 in Paris.
Song - Léo Marjane -"Sans toi, je n'ai plus rien"
Sans toi, chéri, je n'ai plus rien !
Pour calmer mon chagrin
Les mots sont vains !
Chéri, sans toi
Je n'ai plus d'horizon,
Alors pourquoi vouloir parler raison ?
J'irai désormais, les yeux pleins de pleurs,
Traînant comme un boulet mon œur !
Sans toi, chéri, j'ai tout perdu
Et, de n'avoir plus rien, mon cœur n'en peut plus En dépit de tant de peine,
Que, ce soir, je porte en moi
Comme on porte une croix,
Je ne puis avoir de haine
Pour toi.
Puisqu'une autre a pris ma place,
C'est ici mon dernier vu :
Sans remords soyez heureux !
Cueillez le bonheur qui passe
Sans toi, chéri, je n'ai plus rien !
Pour calmer mon chagrin
Les mots sont vains !
Chéri, sans toi
Je n'ai plus d'horizon,
Alors pourquoi vouloir parler raison ?
J'irai désormais, les yeux pleins de pleurs,
Traînant comme un boulet mon cœur !
Sans toi, chéri, j'ai tout perdu
Et, de n'avoir plus rien, mon cœur n'en peut plus !
Xandria - The Dream Is Still Alive
I. Music-X-Xandria

source: jammenx2 2013年3月7日
We have come a long way
Through rain and the dust of time
Times full of wonders
Full of secret signs
We have seen the winters
And the sunlight's brightest shine
But not every single moment
Can stand the test of time
The song now has ended
And the last notes fade away
But a new one begins
The music will stay
Now it's time for the future
We left our past behind
All the battles are over
But the dream is still alive
Smoke has been rising
Now it's blown away by the wind
It's all getting clearer
I wonder where I've been
A past destined to fall down
The final brick in the wall
Was so hard for me to see
But now I see it all
Now it's time for the future...
No-one can take it away from me
No day will ever let it end
Now it's time for the future...
Now we see our tomorrow
The night is long ago
All the fighting is over
But the dream is still alive
Memory of Ancient Streets
source: MadePossible 2014年8月28日
Beautiful Chinese Music Traditional Playlist http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list...
Ken Hong Leung живопись
source: SNataD 2011年4月1日
Родился 14 мая, 1933г в Canton, China, Ken Hong Leung переехал в Hong Kong в 1945. Там он стал частью молодого артистичного сообщества города. Будучи в основном самоучкой, он представил свои первые работы написанные маслом в галерее Гонконга в 1960. В течении года, его рыбацкие села и пейзажи берегов стали сенсацией в художественных кругах, и ведущая арт галерея Гонконга начала представлять его искусство.
За прошедшие годы, H. Leung показал свои картины по всему миру, и получил многочисленные премии и награды во многих странах. В 1978, он стал резидентом соединенных штатов и гражданином США годом позже. Он живет в San Francisco Bay Area с женой и четырьмя сыновьями
Сегодня, H. Leung признан, как один из ведущих художников нео-импрессионистов; мастер волшебного ландшафта, мечтательных настроений, и магических отражений света и цвета.
ОФИЦИАЛЬНЫЙ САЙТ:http://www.lahainagalleries.com/hleun...
Paintings & Music - Vladimir Gusev & E Cortazar
source: Orban Jolana 2014年8月25日
Russian painter Владимир Гусев was born in 1957. Graduated from Moscow State Artistic Institute of Surikov. - A member of the Union of Russian Artists. - A constant participation in the art exhibitions and auctions, held in France since 1996. - 1999-2002 - a participation in the group exhibitions in Duran Gallery, Madrid, Spain.
Melody Gardot - Get Out Of Town (Paintings - Laurent Botella)
source: stef2012bg 2014年8月26日
Melody Gardot - Get Out Of Town, Album - Bye Bye Blackbird
Get out of town,
Before it's too late, my love…
Get out of town,
Be good to me please…
Why wish me harm?
Why not retire to a farm?
And be contented to charm
The birds off the trees
Just disappear
I care for you much too much
And when you are near,
Close to me, darling
We touch too much…
The thrill when we meet
Is so bittersweet…
That, darling, it's getting me down
So, on your mark, get set,
Get out of town...
Leonard Cohen - Almost Like the Blues (Lyric)
I. Music-C-Leonard Cohen

source: LeonardCohenVEVO

Music video by Leonard Cohen performing Almost Like the Blues. (C) 2014 Sony Music Entertainment. All text, images and photographs (C) 2014 Old Ideas, LLC.
iTunes: http://smarturl.it/PopularProblems
Amazon: http://smarturl.it/PopularProblemsAmzn
Blondie - Heart Of Glass (from the album Parallel Lines)
I. Music-B-Blondie

source: emimusic

Buy It Here: http://smarturl.it/tshaz0
Like Blondie on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Blondie
Follow Blondie on Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/BlondieOfficial
Official Website: http://www.blondie.net/
See More Videos Here: http://www.youtube.com/user/BlondieVEVO
Cyndi Lauper - Girls Just Want To Have Fun (1983)
I. Music-L-Cyndi Lauper

source: CyndiLauperVEVO

Music video by Cyndi Lauper performing Girls Just Want To Have Fun. (C) 1983 Sony BMG Music Entertainment
Eric Clapton - Knockin' on Heaven's Door
I. Music-C-Eric Clapton

source: 4evermusic61 2012年7月17日
(lyrics: from http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/...)
Mama, take this badge off of me
I can't use it anymore.
It's gettin' dark, too dark to see
I feel I'm knockin' on heaven's door.
Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door
Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door
Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door
Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door
Mama, put my guns in the ground
I can't shoot them anymore.
That long black cloud is comin' down
I feel I'm knockin' on heaven's door.
Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door
Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door
Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door
Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door
Giovanni Marradi - Greensleeves
source: Tatiana Blue 2014年8月23日
From the album ''Come Back To Me'' (1995)
Epic Fantasy Music - The Wolf and the Moon
I. Music-B-BrunuhVille

source: BrunuhVille 2014年8月22日
●Bandcamp - http://goo.gl/6mhv6
●iTunes - http://goo.gl/LnYQ2
●Facebook: http://goo.gl/WZ0R9
●Physical CD's (Only "Aura" availabe, updating) : http://goo.gl/K0LFrk
●Subscribe : http://goo.gl/uTwZH
Amazing artwork by Jan-Philipp Eckert: http://janphilippeckert.deviantart.com/
羅大佑 - 童年
source: musicboxforever 2014年8月22日
池塘邊的榕樹上 知了在聲聲叫著夏天
操場邊的鞦韆上 只有蝴蝶停在上面
黑板上老師的粉筆 還在拚命嘰嘰喳喳寫個不停
等待著下課 等待著放學 等待遊戲的童年
福利社裏面什麼都有 就是口袋裏沒有半毛錢
諸葛四郎和魔鬼黨 到底誰搶到那支寶劍
隔壁班的那個女孩 怎麼還沒經過我的窗前
嘴裏的零食 手裏的漫畫 心裏初戀的童年
總是要等到睡覺前 才知道功課只作了一點點
總是要等到考試以後 才知道該唸的書都沒有唸
一寸光陰一寸金 老師說過寸金難買寸光陰
一天又一天 一年又一年 迷迷糊糊的童年
沒有人知道為什麼 太陽總下到山的那一邊
沒有人能夠告訴我 山裏面有沒有住著神仙
多少的日子裏 總是一個人面對著天空發呆
就這麼好奇 就這麼幻想 這麼孤單的童年
陽光下蜻蜓飛過來 一片片綠油油的稻田
水彩蠟筆和萬花筒 畫不出天邊那一條彩虹
盼望著假期 盼望著明天 盼望長大的童年
一天又一天 一年又一年 盼望長大的童年
Ray Charles - Crying Time (1966) / Paintings - Helen Cottle
source: stef2012bg 2014年8月22日
Oh, it's crying time again, you're gonna leave me
I can see that far away look in your eyes
I can tell by the way you hold me darlin', ooh
That it won't be long before it's crying time
Now they say that absence makes the heart grow fonder
And that tears are only rain to make love grow
Well, my love for you could never grow no stronger
If I lived to be a hundred years old
Oh, it's crying time again, you're gonna leave me
I can see that far away look in your eyes
I can tell by the way you hold me darlin', yeah now
That it won't be long before it's crying time
Now you say you've found someone that you love better
That's the way it's happened every time before
And as sure as the sun comes up tomorrow
Crying time will start when you walk out the door
Oh, it's crying time again, you're gonna leave me
I can see that far away look in your eyes
I can tell by the way you hold me darlin', alright now
That it won't be long before it's crying time
(That it won't be long before it's crying time)
Peder Mønsted - Landscapes (Oil Paintings)
II. Image-M-Peder Mønsted

source: BobsArtGallery 2012年11月9日
Peder Mørk Mønsted (Peter Mork Monsted) (1859 - 1941) was a Danish realist painter.
"Rudolf Serkin" - Beethoven - Sonata No. 8 for Piano, Op. 13 "Pathétique" in C minor/III. Rondo. Allegro".
Art, oil painting.
崖下棲心 (The Heart Dwells Beneath the Cliff) by 中國民樂大師
source: TaiGekTou 2013年11月13日
from the album 空山寂寂 http://www.tudou.com/plcover/TAD42gsERCo/
The Chinese zither played here is 古琴, a plucked string instrument. The bamboo flute 簫 is played vertically, like the western recorder.
R Armando Morabito - Eyes of the Sky
source: Cape Tranquillity 2014年8月21日
Official Youtube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/rarmandom
Images: http://wall.alphacoders.com/big.php?i...
Крис Сфирис "Милый"
source: Елена Кошевая 2014年8月21日
Фото картин цветов акварель авторы художники Тимошин Олег, Кристиан Гранью.
Leonard Cohen - Tower of Song (with lyrics)
source: Adamfulgence 2014年8月21日
From Cohen’s “London Live” (2009); also included in “I’m Your Man” (1988). The recording here is a bit different given the time span ( he will soon turn eighty vs being in his mid-fifties in the first recording). It is also different because it was done at a live concert while on a world tour as apposed to a studio recording.
The “tower of song” represents the whole area of music (i.e. singing, composing,etc) and the people who are in this business.
Cohen incorporates themes of aging (grey hair), loneliness (looking out the window, burning bridges), melancholy (so damn close to everything lost) , irony (the golden voice) and sexuality (crazy for love, not coming on),and regret (..don’t know how the bridges got this wide).
Some might say that this is a bit of a stretch in interpreting these lyrics. As Cohen says about judgement, “I may be wrong”. One thing’s for sure: parts of his poem show that he can be humorous and light-hearted, not just dark and depressing.
Winter Dreams [music: Giacomo Puccini - Humming chorus / Madama Butterfly]
source: M. Laurens Bullstar 2007年10月6日
by Hungarian State Opera Chamber Chorus, Hungarian State Opera Orchestra & Giuseppe Patané
宋祖英 - 天藍藍
source: MadePossible2

Beautiful Chinese Music Modern Playlist: http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list...
Om Arya Sumati Dharma Dhara Huung
source: victoria Paz 2014年8月15日
Música para Sanar. Music: "Om Arya Sumati Dharma Dhara Huung" Reema Datta
代青塔娜 & Haya - 寂靜的天空
source: Cheng Han Wu 2009年8月12日
lyrics: provided by PingYing Chen
沈默的祈禱 只為安撫執著的靈魂
風啊 你輕輕吹
月亮啊 你照亮他
火光啊 你溫暖他
劉文正 - 尋夢園
source: musicboxforever 2014年8月9日
我又回到我的尋夢園 往日的夢彷彿又出現
想要重溫失去的美夢 會不會好夢難圓
我又回到我的尋夢園 想起了他彷彿又見面
想要重溫親愛的情人 不知道能否再見
你怪我想把你騙 流著眼淚口難辯
深深戀情那能忘記 愛人回來回到我身邊
我又回到我的尋夢園 往日的夢彷彿又出現
想要重溫失去的美夢 會不會好夢難
潘越雲 - 好久不見
source: musicboxforever 2014年7月12日
好久不見 好久不見
這情感看似淡遠 卻包含柔情無限
默默關懷 切切思念 讓一聲好久不見
拍遍小橋欄杆 掩不住失落的迷亂
點亮小樓燈火 驅不散這一片微寒
心中殷殷期盼 都化作了冷雨秋煙
夢裡頻頻呼喚 不知你可曾聽見
好久不見 好久不見
讓一聲好久不見 代替我萬語千言
齊豫-走在雨中 (官方完整版Comix)

source: ComixRockRecords 2012年5月17日
作詞 / 作曲 / 編曲: 李泰祥
當我走在淒清的路上 天空正飄著濛濛細雨
在這寂寞黯淡的暮色裡 想起我們相別在雨中
當我獨自徘徊在雨中 大地孤寂沈沒在黑夜裡
雨絲就像她柔軟的細髮 深深繫住我心的深處
記起我們相見在雨中 那微微細雨落在我們頭髮上
啊 往事 說不盡 就像山一樣高 好像海一樣深
甜蜜綺麗彩虹般美麗往事 說不盡就像山一樣高
好像海一樣深 甜蜜綺麗彩虹般美麗往事
齊豫 - 你是我所有的回憶 (1983)
source: shichwan 2013年5月15日
音樂磁場- 重提往事
source: lucyhuang77 2014年8月14日 Place: 淡水A Danshuei,Taiwan
# buy their music: http://www.covermytunes.com/search....
梅艷芳 - 女人花 (1997)
source: shichwan 2014年1月13日
作詞:李安修,作曲:陳耀川,編曲:Ricky Ho
潘安邦 - 憶兒時 (1979)
source: shichwan 2013年2月4日
1979年,改編自美國民謠 My Dear Old Sunny Home
作詞:李叔同,作曲:海斯 (W.S.Hays)
高凌風 - 姑娘的酒窩 (1976)
source: shichwan 2014年2月17日
「怪歌天王」、「青蛙王子」高凌風 於2014/02/17 因罹患血癌與世長辭。
江蕙 - 滿山春色 (1985年)
source: shichwan 2014年3月13日
Vladimir Kush / Thomas Newman-The Baudelaire Orphans
source: DistantMirrors 2012年5月7日
Vladimir Kush is a Russian-born surrealist painter and sculptor, although he prefers to refer to his art as metaphorical realism.
Zorán: Kell Ott fenn Egy Ország --Tell Me There's a Heaven
source: M. Laurens Bullstar 2007年10月31日
Egy édes bús melódia
Chris Rea: Tell Me There's a Heaven; fordította: Sztevanovity Dusán
Elóadja: Sztevanovity Zorán
【Great Compassion Mantra】
source: MadePossible 2013年6月12日
Beautiful Chinese Music Traditional Playlist http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list...
大悲咒,原称千手千眼无碍大悲心陀罗尼,Mahā Karuṇā Dhāranī,महा करुणा धारनी,Great Compassion Mantra,(Nīlakantha dhāranī,नीलकण्ठ धारनी,The Great Dharani。
Mirabai Ceiba, Har Mukanday - Mantra of Liberation (Official Music Video)
I. Music-C-Mirabai Ceiba

source: Mirabai Ceiba 2011年6月12日
Har Mukanday by Mirabai Ceiba from the Album "Awakened Earth", SVM 2011 | Click on the link:http://www.mirabaiceiba.com/music/awa...
Video by Kiahkeya Productions, featuring footage from the nature dance film "Ridden by Nature" http://www.riddenbynature.com
Dance: Kathi von Koerber and Atshushi Takenouchi
Narada Falls, Mt. Rainier National Park
source: wittydud 2014年8月13日
Canon VIXIA HF G30 Film By TriumphRainbow LLC
Il Divo - Come Primavera... (subtitrare română)
source: bluesensation75 2014年4月27日
English lyrics:
You know, winter will come to an end
it will go away just as it arrived
melting the pain like snow in the sun
and the wounds you have
they will heal sooner or later
the down comes after the night
yes it does because
come back to a more peaceful life
that flourishes again like spring
life shouts at the top of its lungs
inside of you
even you will find again
the strength you have not anymore
and the will to live that is not in you now
it will come back again
come back to a more peaceful life
that flourishes again like spring
life shouts at the top of its lungs
inside of you
life shouts at the top of its lungs
inside of you like spring
Fantasy - Darling (Offizielles Video)
source: ariola 2014年8月12日
Die NEUE Single aus dem Nr 1. Album "Eine Nacht im Paradies"!
Hier bestellen: amazon: http://sny.ms/1AapnAo
陳揚 - 阿拉木汗 (1979) 收錄於《躍‧鄉土民謠》專輯
source: shichwan 2013年1月5日
"阿拉木汗"是姑娘的名字。這首歌舞曲,以雙人邊歌邊舞的形式,讚美象鮮花般美麗的阿拉木汗,一問一答,活躍而風趣。歌曲是多段詞的,在上下兩樂句反復演 唱之後,接一段短小的副歌。旋律具有歌唱性,節奏富於舞蹈性,頻繁地運用切分節奏,使樂曲輕快活潑的效果更加突出,再結合手鼓的伴奏,使人聽之欲舞。該歌 曲最為流行的要數歌唱家胡松華和朱逢博的演唱。曾被改編為無伴奏合唱曲。
(資料來源: http://baike.baidu.com/view/231281.htm )
作詞 & 作曲:新疆民歌
國樂 - 陽明春曉 (梆笛) Spring Dawn at Yang-Ming Mountain (Dizi solo)
source: shichwan 2013年7月19日
《陽明春曉》描寫台灣北部陽明山春天優美景緻和遊人歡樂心情,其片段被引用為華視電視教學節目《每日一字》(1981年-1998年) 主題曲,亦被選入「二十世紀華人經典作品」。 (節錄自中文維基百科)
Swan - Secret Garden
source: Mer Vivar 2014年3月13日
Lonely swan in the silver lake
you are drifting alone
Oh you know how a heart can break
When love has flown
When to some distance ocean crossed
Some mysterious sea,
Though a lover be ever lost
Love can not be
Silver swan by the shore
Lift your wings up and fly
Will you wait evermore
Let life pass you by?
You belong to the sun
You belong to the sky,
You have more than one song
To sing before you die
To the edge of the moon you'll go
I would fly there with you
Where the tides of heaven flow,
Above the blue,
You are destined for higher ground
Not to linger with me
To the earth i am ever bound, eternally
We belong to the sun
We belong to the sky,
We have more than one song
To sing before we die
Cisne solitario en el lago de plata,
Usted está a la deriva solo
Oh, ya sabes cómo un corazón se puede romper,
Cuando el amor se ha volado
Cuando a algún mar lejano cruzado,
Algunos mar misterioso,
A pesar de ser un amante pierde,
El amor no puede ser
Cisne plateado en la orilla,
Levanta tus alas y volar;
Se espera cada vez más
Dejarás que la vida te pase de largo?
Usted pertenece al sol,
Tú perteneces al cielo,
Usted tiene más de una canción
Para cantar antes de morir
Al filo de la luna te vas,
Quisiera volar contigo
Cuando el flujo de las mareas de los cielos,
Sobre el azul,
Usted está destinado a un terreno más alto,
No para quedarse conmigo
A la tierra que estoy cada vez atado,
Nosotros pertenecemos al sol,
Nosotros pertenecemos al cielo,
Tenemos más de una canción
Para cantar antes de morir
Tenemos más de una canción
Para cantar antes de morir
Into the Wind - Miten & Deva Premal
source: Mer Vivar 2014年3月13日
this is our aloneness this is our time
this is the mountain we all have to climb
this is our destiny wild and free
we're all holding a master key
to the empty sky
Into the wind into the wind we fly
this is our aloneness this is our time
this is the mountain we all have to climb this is our destiny
beyond the small family
i see no boundary between you and I
esta es nuestra soledad este es nuestro tiempo
esta es la montaña que todos tenemos que subir este es nuestro destino salvaje y libre
todo lo que estamos sosteniendo una llave maestra para el cielo vacío
contra el viento en el viento volamos
esta es nuestra soledad este es nuestro tiempo
esta es la montaña que todos tenemos que subir este es nuestro destino
más allá de la pequeña familia
no veo ninguna frontera entre tu y yo
Song of Life - Sat Gurprasad - Mirabai Ceiba
source: Frans Grol 2014年8月12日
http://www.mirabaiceiba.com/music/ cd: live-in-concert
If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.
~~ Dalai Lama ~~
Mohicans: Tayta Wirak'ocha
source: M. Laurens Bullstar 2011年8月14日
Viracocha created the universe, sun, moon and stars, time (by commanding the sun to move over the sky) and civilization itself. -- Viracocha teremtette a világot, napot, holdat,a csillagokat, az időt (parancsára a nap is arrébb állt az égen) és a civilizációt magát is.
'Mohicans' is mostly composed, produced, played and arranged by Fabrizio Baldoni, Gino de Stefani, Paolo RE and Simone Coen.
Music not folk of Natine Americans. It's, "Music inspired by the deep spirit of Native Americans". In real,
i'ts a New Aged (and a little bit Ethnic Fusioned) variations on the Music of Native Americans theme.
San Fransico 20140716
source: wittydud 2014年8月11日
San Francisco Theme Music By Antonio Resende
Film By TriumphRainbow LLC
OM HARI OM by Patrick Bernard
source: M. Laurens Bullstar 2012年1月11日
' Om ' is the primordial cosmic vibration from which sprang the entire cosmos and all creation. The most famous mantra is ' Hari Om '. It's essential meaning is that Hari is Om. ' Hari Om ' is a universal mantra that removes suffering. This mantra contains within itself the cosmic vibration. Through Hari Om meditation, prana moves from one energy centre to the other.
Deep Forest - Sweet Lullaby / Africa
source: M. Laurens Bullstar 2011年9月9日
Sasi sasi o to aro aro
O angi si nau boroi amu
Ni ma oe e fasi korona
Dolali dasa na, lao dai afuimae
Afuta guau mauri, Afuta wela inomae
Sasi sasi ae o angisi nau
Boroi nima oe e fasi koro na
Dolali dasa na, lao dai afuimae
Afuta guau mauri, Afuta wela inomae
ps: quoted from Macdonald Diko:
"This song is originated from Solomon Islands in the South Pacific. The chant was stolen in the late 40s. Tract recorded without the consent of the woman. The woman was from Fataleka,one of the village known as Namofata located at the interior of Fataleka in Malaita Province. The woman who sang this chat, her name was Olifikwaso."
Beads Of Waters and Dreams (Music:Ying Ying's)
source: M. Laurens Bullstar 2010年11月10日
-- Beads of waters and dreams -- A vizek és álmok gyöngyei
-- Guzheng (Chief Player): He Ying -- Guzheng ( szólista ) : He Ying
---Composer & Conductor: Daniel Deng -- Zeneszerző & Vezényel: Daniel Deng
How to Make a Paper Craft Chibi Robot
II. Image-C-Mark Crilley

source: markcrilley
SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/markcrilleySUBSCRIBE
"Brody's Ghost" books at Amazon: http://amzn.com/1595825215
"Mastering Manga" book at Amazon:http://bit.ly/MASTERINGMANGA
All 4 “Miki Falls” books at Amazon: http://bit.ly/MIKIFALLSbooks
Brody 1-Shot Comic at TFAW: http://bit.ly/BRODYoneshot

SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/markcrilleySUBSCRIBE
"Brody's Ghost" books at Amazon: http://amzn.com/1595825215
"Mastering Manga" book at Amazon:http://bit.ly/MASTERINGMANGA
All 4 “Miki Falls” books at Amazon: http://bit.ly/MIKIFALLSbooks
Brody 1-Shot Comic at TFAW: http://bit.ly/BRODYoneshot
only friends - Françoise Hardy
source: lvcatable cat chan 2014年8月7日
Françoise Madeleine Hardy (born 17 January 1944) is a French singer and actress.
Jacek Yerka / music: Thomas Newman
source: DistantMirrors 2012年5月7日
Jacek Yerka (born 1952) is a Polish artist and painter from Toruń.
Music by Thomas Newman: http://users.telenet.be/obelisk/tnc/
Jacek Yerka _ Fantasy Worlds
source: Gil Carosio 2011年11月2日
Born in Poland in 1952, JACEK YERKA studied fine art and graphics prior to becoming a full-time artist in 1980. Jacek Yerka Website: http://www.yerkaland.com/about.php
Music: Ravel / Daphnis Et Chloe - Ste nr. 2: Pantomine
George Winston - December (1982)
compiler: piraterick100 2014年11月1日
Label: Windham Hill Records - 1982
Composed and Performed by George Winston. http://www.georgewinston.com/
Track Listings:
1. Thanksgiving
2. Jesus, Jesus, Rest Your Head
3. Joy
4. Prelude
5. Carol of the Bells
6. Night: Part One: Snow
7. Night: Part Two: Midnight
8. Night: Part Three: Minstrels
9. Variations On The Kanon By Pachelbel
10. The Holly And The Ivy
11. Some Children See Him
12. Peace
Composed and Performed by George Winston.
Poul Eliuar @ Rene Magritte Emptiness of space is filled with love...
source: kuzjaTkuzja 2010年6月19日
Пространство пустоты заполнено любовью...
Элюар Поль - Два стихотворения
и художник-сюрреалист Рене Магритт
Исполняет: Boris Vetrov
Музыка: Стинг
Ну очень красивая мелодия - Bernward Koch - The Silver Veil
source: Елена Кошевая 2014年7月20日
Bernward Кох (Бернвард Кох) (род. 23 января 1957 года в г Зиген.)
《霸王別姬》Johnny Weir
II. Image-W-Johnny Weir,

source: DesignSourceTAIWAN 2014年8月3日 2014.8.3 臺北小巨蛋
Alex Alemany
source: Leonid LL 2014年8月1日
Испанский художник Alex Alemany родился в 1943 году, Валенсия.
Alex Alemany, Spanish painter, born in January 5,1943, Valencia.
Michel Pépé Video Music Channel Presentation
I. Music-P-Michel Pépé

source: Michel Pépé 2014年8月4日
Extrait "Vision de l'Ame" - Nouvel album Natura Mystica (sept 2014)
Site internet : http://michelpepe.com
Sergei Trofanov - Boucles D'Or
source: Tatiana Blue 2014年8月3日
Sergei Trofanov & Djelem (Boucles d'or)
Jordan Léser ~ Prisoner Of Pride
source: tzortzinious 2014年8月3日
‘’ Jordan Léser is a Sydney-based singer-songwriter whose songs are arrows aimed straight at the heart. Her sense of place is evocative, her gift for melody arresting, and her compositions reminiscent of some of her heroines – Kate Bush, Sinead O’Connor and Loreena Mckennitt. Jordan grew up in Byron Bay and has been writing songs since the age of 13. After finishing school she moved to Sydney where she began working with Midnight Oil’s drummer, Rob Hirst, and guitarist, Jim Moginie. ‘’
• https://www.facebook.com/jordanleser
• https://soundcloud.com/jordan-leser
• https://www.triplejunearthed.com/arti...
• https://itunes.apple.com/au/album/pri...
The Butterfly Lovers Violin Concerto
I. Music-T-Tchaikovsky

source: 黃紹綱 2013年4月11日
The Butterfly Lovers Violin Concerto
00:00 1. Adagio cantabile
04:58 2. Allegro
07:44 3. Adagio assai doloroso
10:34 4. Pesante -- Piu mosso -- Duramente
14:19 5. Lagrimoso
16:50 6. Presto resoluto
22:24 7. Adagio cantabile
Gil Shaham , Violin
Lan Shui , Conductor
Singapore Symphony Orchestra
《梁祝小提琴協奏曲》Butterfly Lovers Violin Concerto by Akiko Suwanai
I. Music-S-Akiko Suwanai

source: morning2k 2011年1月6日
小提琴協奏曲《梁祝》 諏訪內晶子在上海大劇院演奏,2009年紀念梁祝誕生50週年。
日本美女小提琴家Akiko Suwanai諏訪內晶子出生於東京,是「柴可夫斯基國際音樂大賽首獎」史上最年輕的得主,也是少數能同時在「帕格尼尼國際大賽」、「伊莉莎白國際大賽」以及「東京國際音樂大賽」勝出的演奏家。放棄在二十歲之前踏上國際樂壇的機會,換取未來更為長久的演奏生涯與更深刻的音樂詮釋,其實是相當聰明的抉擇。十五年之後,獲得海飛茲生前御用銘器:史特拉底瓦利名琴「Dolfin」,所散發出來的透明度,被譽為演奏之中兼具魔鬼完美技巧與成熟音樂內涵。
孫盛希 - 不該 不該

source: 滾石唱片 ROCK RECORDS

Composer :孫盛希 Lyricist :梁錦興
把你忘了 不再做假設
有多麼值得 讓自己不快樂
我也試過順著你的 以為很愛就可以了
感動多深刻 愛了
才發現再多也是不夠的 如果
幸福不該是妥協的 所以我們都別耗著
不該 不該
不該 不該
害怕錯過 錯的對的不來
手若牽著 也希望一輩子的
我也試過順著你的 所以我們都別耗著
雖然 愛 已經腐壞
至少 讓 我們坦白
有些美好還值得緬懷 不該
不該 不該
不該 不該
李克勤 Hacken Lee - 《無朋友》MV

source: Universal Music Hong Kong 2014年6月16日
作曲: Eric Kwok 作詞: 黃偉文 編曲: 張子堅 監製:Eric Kwok
香港環球唱片官方網頁: http://www.umg.com.hk/
香港環球唱片Facebook 專頁:https://www.facebook.com/UniversalMus...
香港環球唱片官方Instagram :http://instagram.com/universalmusichk
香港環球唱片騰訊微博 : http://t.qq.com/universalmusichk
香港環球唱片新浪微博 : http://weibo.com/universalmusichk
王菲 - 但願人長久
source: musicboxforever 2014年6月21日
明月幾時有 把酒問青天
不知天上宮闕 今夕是何年
我欲乘風歸去 唯恐瓊樓玉宇 高處不勝寒
起舞弄清影 何似在人間
轉朱閣 低綺戶 照無眠
不應有恨 何事長向別時圓 (別時圓)
人有悲歡離合 月有陰晴圓缺
此事古難全 但願人長久 千里共嬋娟
音樂磁場 - 牽手
source: lucyhuang77 2014年7月2日 Place: 角板山,桃園大溪
# buy their music: http://www.covermytunes.com/search....
source: lucyhuang77 2014年7月21日 Place: 紀州庵,Taipei
# buy their music: http://www.covermytunes.com/search....
音樂磁場- 多愛你一天
source: lucyhuang77 2014年7月30日
Place: 陽明前山Yangmingshan National Park,Taipei
# buy their music: http://www.covermytunes.com/search....
李建復 - 小雨滴 (2014年 - 轉眼一瞬間專輯)

source: 958md 2014年6月14日
詞:小軒 曲:譚健常
小雨點,小雨滴, 雲中的眼淚;
江蕙 - 感情放一邊 (1993)
source: shichwan 2014年6月26日
鄧麗君 - 何日君再來
source: musicboxforever 2014年6月15日
好花不常開 好景不常在
愁堆解笑眉 淚灑相思帶
今宵離別後 何日君再來
喝完了這杯 請進點小菜
人生難得幾回醉 不歡更何待
今宵離別後 何日君再來
停唱陽關疊 重擎白玉杯
殷勤頻致語 牢牢撫君懷
今宵離別後 何日君再來
喝完了這杯 請進點小菜
人生難得幾回醉 不歡更何待
今宵離別後 何日君再來
Talking Heads - (Nothing But) Flowers -
source: Adamfulgence 2014年7月31日
Talking Heads is an American new wave band (l975-1991). The song, “Nothing but flowers” comes from their last album, “Naked” (1988)
This song is a satire in that the lyrics are expressing a pretty exact opposite to any song that would place the presence/importance of nature/simplicity in our lives ahead of the advances of modern life as we see it now. It is often mentioned as a direct contrast to Joni Mitchell's song, Big Yellow Taxi. That's why I agree with many others that it's a clever satire.
“Talking Heads” is a term used in the TV industry. On news shows, for example, it refers to the camera’s focus on the head and upper shoulders of the newscaster. As a result, the head appears disconnected from the body. The band created its name from this term.
Jon Schmidt - Red Rock Canyon
I. Music-T-ThePianoGuys

Andre Rieu - Annie's Song 2009
I. Music-R-André Rieu

source: fritz51268 2009年12月24日
Original by John Denver 1974
Lyrics of John Denver's version:
You fill up my senses
like a night in the forest
like the mountains in springtime,
like a walk in the rain
like a storm in the desert,
like a sleepy blue ocean
you fill up my senses,
come fill me again.
Come let me love you,
let me give my life to you
let me drown in your laughter,
let me die in your arms
let me lay down beside you,
let me always be with you
come let me love you,
come love me again.
You fill up my senses
like a night in the forest
like the mountains in springtime,
like a walk in the rain
like a storm in the desert,
like a sleepy blue ocean
you fill up my senses,
come fill me again.
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