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Adrian Munsey - The Distance Between
source: Juancitoamericano 2014年9月24日
Adrian Munsey
A history scholar at King’s College, Cambridge and a graduate of the Royal College of Art, Adrian Munsey has enjoyed a wide-ranging career as a film and TV producer and documentary maker. He is also a highly acclaimed composer, both classical and popular music, and has released several albums of solo, choral and instrumental works.
Angèle Dubeau
Born in Saint-Norbert, Quebec, Angèle Dubeau is among the most prominent Canadian violinists of her generation. Arguably she is the most popular of them: for three seasons she appeared as host of a weekly broadcast on Canadian television called “Faites vos gammes” (Do your scales), devoted to introducing new musical talent, and has had several best-selling recordings, becoming one of the relatively few classical artists from any country with a recording that achieved gold status.
In 1997 Angèle Dubeau founded La Pietà, an all-female string ensemble, and one of Canada’s leading classical performers. In 2004 the Canadian government awarded her the prestigious rank of Knight for the National Order of Quebec.
The Distance Between
Performed by La Pietà Ensemble
Angèle Dubeau, Conductor
Angèle Dubeau, Violin
Zoé - S.O.S. (Audio)
I. Music-Z-Zoé

source: ZoeVEVO

Music video by Zoé performing S.O.S.. (C) 2014 EMI Music Mexico S.A. De C.V
Gelka feat. Phoenix Pearle - Flying Clouds (Café del Mar XX)
I. Music-C-Café del Mar

1 Hour Epic Music Mix - Epic Dramatic, Rock, Dubstep and Powerful - Epic...
source: EpicMusicVn

Buy Audiomachine music: http://amzn.to/17SuQhL
Buy Sean Redmond music: seanredmond.bandcamp.com
Buy Daniel Lenz music: www.daniellenz.com
Buy Sub Pub Music music: http://bit.ly/1uWzBmm
Buy StormSound music: http://stormsoundys.bandcamp.com/
Buy Theron Kay Music music: http://theronkay.bandcamp.com/
Buy iLL AUDiO music : http://ill-audio.com/
Buy Xtortion Audio music: http://amzn.to/19oOuFg
Buy Bianca Ban music: www.biancaban.com
Buy Machine Vandals music: http://bit.ly/1r5Y34R
Buy Phantom Power Music music: www.phantompowerblog.com/
Tracks list:
00:00 Sean Redmond - They're Here
01:19 Mervin Mathew - Take Your Stand Against
03:14 Daniel Lenz Music – The Darkests Hour
06:14 Sub Pub Music - We Will Rise
08:25 Sub Pub Music - Freedom Fighter
10:52 Sub Pub Music - Still Breathing
13:20 Sub Pub Music - Flame of War
15:35 StormSound - I Stand Alone
17:57 Theron Kay Music - Interstellar
21:06 J.t. Peterson - Villain Apocalypse
22:43 iLL AUDiO – Apocalypse Theme
29:42 Skylar Cahn - Corrupted Dawn
32:35 Xtortion Audio - Mechanics of Wars
34:43 Sean Redmond - Raksha
39:34 Vangelis Dedes - Destructive Force
41:22 Vangelis Dedes - Unchained
43:27 Bianca Ban - Violent Storm
44:54 Machine Vandals - No Sun
47:02 Audiomachine - Prometheus
50:26 Phantom Power Music – Overpowered
52:50 Thunderstep Music - Indigo Prophecy
55:29 Rodney Spence - Last Of The Transports
Immediate Music - Follow Me (Subliminal 2014) - EpicMusicVn
source: EpicMusicVn

Buy Immediate Music music: http://amzn.to/1aUJAhg
Music by Immediate Music
Composer: Aleksandar Dimitrijevic
Track: Follow Me
Album: Subliminal (2014)
©Immediate Music 2014
Awesome artwork by HarizmaArt
Video was edited by BOND
林凡-痛癢 (官方完整版MV)(HD)
source: 滾石唱片 ROCK RECORDS

詞曲 曲世聰 編曲 劉志遠
別抱有太多幻想 別抱有太多慾望
如果是真愛更是值得商榷 那一定很理想
不要輕易的懷疑 不要輕易的放棄
我一度以為幻覺 才能如此的殘忍
要重覆多少要積累多少 才能像這樣彼此的相遇
其實我知道縱然你離去 有一種經歷這麼死心又塌地
都在說愛愛愛會隨著時間磨滅 把幸福變得絕望
但只有愛愛愛才能夠讓我溫暖 我已經離不開你
可是這書上都說了愛是恆久忍耐 耗盡我所有
卻更加耐人尋味 讓我變得更淡定
拼命的每次較量 換來的每次原諒
如果是真愛就算忍讓對方 還是兩敗俱傷
不要輕易的懷疑 不要輕易的放棄
我一度以為幻覺 才能如此的殘忍
要重覆多少要積累多少 才能像這樣彼此的相遇
其實我知道縱然你離去 有一種經歷這麼死心又塌地
都在說愛愛愛會隨著時間磨滅 把幸福變得絕望
但只有愛愛愛才能夠讓我溫暖 我已經離不開你
可是這書上都說了愛是恆久忍耐 耗盡我所有
卻更加耐人尋味 讓我變得更淡定
林凡-告別像低迴溫婉的小調 (官方完整版MV)
source: 滾石唱片 ROCK RECORDS

詞:林夕 曲:Adrian Fu 導演:周格泰
你說最近很疲憊 卻沒有躺在我懷抱
你說忽然很寂寞 卻沒說我來得剛好
你說有很多煩惱 卻更像對我懺悔祈禱
你說想起了過去 卻像在為未來哀悼
我知道我知道 愛情在交響時已夠招搖
我不吵也不鬧 就讓告別像傷感得慵懶的藍調
你說有很多打算 沒說誰礙手礙腳
你說這世界很大 聲音卻越來越小
你說欣賞我體貼 卻迴避我的微笑
你說感謝我對你那麼好 不知道怎回報
我知道我知道 愛情在交響時已夠招搖
我不吵也不鬧 就讓告別像傷感得慵懶的藍調
感情來時像海嘯 離開時不妨稍安勿躁
我知道我知道 愛情在交響時已夠紛擾
我不吵也不鬧 就讓告別像純樸簡單的童謠
我怎能不知道 愛得轟烈只是互相打擾
我不吵也不鬧 就讓告別像低迴又溫婉的小調
西卿 -苦海女神龍 (1971)
source: shichwan 2014年9月8日
1971年,改編自日本歌曲「港町ブルース」(by 森進一,1969年)
source: chisuman3 2013年1月18日
# Kevin Kuo: 苦海女神龍,本名波娜娜,是韃靼國的三公主,前來中原,化名為苦海女神龍,與史豔文有一段戀情。
Eleni karaindrou - adagio & Jack Spencer
source: Masha.M. S 2014年9月20日
One instant is eternity ;
eternity is the now .
When you see through this one instant,
you see through the one who sees.
Jack Spencer (B. 1951 - ) is a self-taught American photographer.
Eleni Karaindrou (Greek: Ελένη Καραΐνδρου) (born 1941) is a Greek composer, born in the village of Teichio in Phocis, Central Greece, on November 25, 1941.
Lhasa de Sela - De Cara a la Pared / Paintings - Diego Dayer
source: stef2012bg 2014年9月20日
Lhasa de Sela - De cara a la pared / Facing the wall / Album "La Llorona" (1997)
"La Llorona" (the Wailing Woman) is the name of a legendary Mexican woman who threw her children into the river in her anger and jealousy. The villagers found her dead as well the next morning, and her ghost continued to roam the earth, wailing for her lost children.
De cara a la pared
Se para la ciudad
Y no hay más,
Muero quizás
Ha! Dónde estás
De cara a la pared
Se quema la ciudad
Sin respirar
Te quiero amor
Te quiero amor
De cara a la pared
Se hunde la ciudad
Santa María
Santa María
Face to the wall
The city turns off
And there is no more
Maybe I die
Where are you?
Face to the wall
The city burns down
Without breathing
I want to love you
I want to love you
Face to the wall
The city sinks
Saint Mary
Melody Gardot - If I Tell You I Love You
source: n nigani 2014年9月21日
There are so many things I could say, my love
Make you trip, so your lips would be mine
There are so many things I could do, my love
To convince you my love is divine
There are so many words I could tell you
There are so many moments in time
But I say 'fore we go to the land down below
If I tell you I love you, I'm lying
There are so many places to go, my love
There are so many places to find
There are so many worlds to explore, my love
There are so many stars yet to shine
There are so many secrets to tell you
There are so many men on the line
But I say 'fore we go to the land down below
If I tell you I love you, I'm lying
I maybe show the reason to call you up next time
So if you like your women sweet, ah, consider me your wine
I may be one for weekends to call you when you're flying
But if I ever utter I love you, honey I am lying
And if I look into your eyes and tell you, honey I am lying
And if I ever whisper words unheard, such sultry words
(Oh, je t'aime
Oh oui, je t'aime)
Darling, I am lying
林凡-目送 (官方完整版MV)(HD)
source: 滾石唱片 ROCK RECORDS

滾石購物網 訂購網址 http://goo.gl/3xvfZZ
♫ iTunes下載 http://goo.gl/G2U3Y8
♫ KKBOX http://kkbox.fm/cs2dAp
♫ myMusic http://goo.gl/SrBv2U
♫ Omusic http://goo.gl/Rb8njc
♫ Spotify http://goo.gl/0xGGXo
抬頭仰望藍的天 你應該是屬於我的
即使飛到天那邊 你還是應該屬於我
她陪你離開 離開的不僅是我的快樂
就在你要轉身的時候 我想要你愛我
我是在等待著 你是在矛盾著
我是在目送著 你是在猶豫著徘徊
林凡-還原 (官方完整版MV)(HD)
source: 滾石唱片 ROCK RECORDS

滾石購物網 訂購網址 http://goo.gl/3xvfZZ
♫ iTunes下載 http://goo.gl/G2U3Y8
♫ KKBOX http://kkbox.fm/cs2DBH
♫ myMusic http://goo.gl/8MOqRF
♫ Omusic http://goo.gl/5ReIOm
♫ Spotify http://goo.gl/0xGGXo
曲:Russell Harris 詞:吳向飛
如果照片還給了長鏡頭 你會不會在我身旁
如果分手還給了岔路口 我們會不會還牽著手
如果 如果相遇的難忘 還給了 視而不見
吻過的痕跡一點一點 還給了你的臉
在我哭出來之前 一天一天的還原
是不是永遠都看不見 那心碎的再見
如果爭吵還給了第一秒 你會不會對我更好
如果轉身還給了體諒 我們會不會白頭到老
如果 如果相遇的難忘 都還給了 視而不見
愛過的痕跡 一點一點 還給了手指尖
在我哭出來之前 一天一天的還原
是不是永遠都看不見 最後的那幾天
快樂還給了藍天 眼淚還給了藍天
在我哭出來之前 一天一天的還原
是不是永遠都看不見 你走後這些天
往事一件又一件 全都還了給時間
我還是捨不得還給你 早該還的想念
Jessie Ware - Kind Of...Sometimes...Maybe (Official audio)
I. Music-W-Jessie Ware

source: Jessie Ware 2014年9月17日
Taken from the album • TOUGH LOVE • out 13th Oct (21st Oct in N. America). Pre-order the album athttp://po.st/ToughLoveYT
Pre-order the album on CD/Vinyl here: http://po.st/J7r5Ws UK tour tickets: http://po.st/bmOCnW
Emotional Music - Birth of Love (Album: Aurora)
I. Music-B-BrunuhVille

source: BrunuhVille 2014年9月17日
Get BrunuhVille's music and follow his Facebook at:
●Bandcamp - http://goo.gl/6mhv6
●iTunes - http://goo.gl/LnYQ2
●Facebook: http://goo.gl/WZ0R9
●Physical CD's (Only "Aura" availabe, updating) : http://goo.gl/K0LFrk
●Subscribe : http://goo.gl/uTwZH
John Sokoloff ~Vacation Beach (Full Album)
source: John S. 2014年9月18日
Vacation Beach was written and produced by John Sokoloff
Alone............starts at......0:00
The Keys.........................6:45
El Manor.........................11:13
Vacation Beach...............19:16
Stage Five Blues..............28:49
Espano Russo..................33:40
Playa Breezes..................37:15
Total Time:.... 51:40
Vacation Beach available on Orchard Avenue Records.
Little Kroshka Publishing. BMI c and p (1993)
John Sokoloff................Piano
Myk Price......................Flute, Recorders, Accordion
Alexander Podresov......Martin Acoustic Guitar. Balalaika
Nikolai Kurganov...........Violin
Natalie Sokoloff.............Roland Synthesizer, Percussion
Richard Estes................Acoustic and Electric Guitars, Bass
Grego Del Arroyo..........Percussion, Drums
Recorded at The Bakery Recording Studio, Burbank, California
Mixed by Andy Waterman
Co-produced by Rich Estes and Natalie Sokoloff
Recording Engineer: Andy Waterman
Mastered by Keith Blake
Art Director: Alexander Podresov
Special Thanks to Ilia Jarostchuk, Viacheslav Ordynsky, Carol B, Bob Wright, Peter Loukianoff, and CBS Television City.
Vacation Beach ~ dedicated to the Memory of Ivan Chary~
5 Seconds Of Summer - Amnesia (Studio Version)
source: Louis 2014年6月23日
I drove by all the places we used to hang out getting wasted
I thought about our last kiss, how it felt the way you tasted
And even though your friends tell me you're doing fine
Are you somewhere feeling lonely even though he's right beside you?
When he says those words that hurt you, do you read the ones I wrote you?
Sometimes I start to wonder, was it just a lie?
If what we had was real, how could you be fine?
'Cause I'm not fine at all
I remember the day you told me you were leaving
I remember the make-up running down your face
And the dreams you left behind you didn't need them
Like every single wish we ever made
I wish that I could wake up with amnesia
And forget about the stupid little things
Like the way it felt to fall asleep next to you
And the memories I never can escape
'Cause I'm not fine at all
The pictures that you sent me they're still living in my phone
I admit I like to see them, I admit I feel alone
And all my friends keep asking why I'm not around
It hurts to know you're happy, yeah, it hurts that you've moved on
It's hard to hear your name when I haven't seen you in so long
It's like we never happened, was it just a lie?
If what we had was real, how could you be fine?
'Cause I'm not fine at all
I remember the day you told me you were leaving
I remember the make-up running down your face
And the dreams you left behind you didn't need them
Like every single wish we ever made
I wish that I could wake up with amnesia
And forget about the stupid little things
Like the way it felt to fall asleep next to you
And the memories I never can escape
If today I woke up with you right beside me
Like all of this was just some twisted dream
I'd hold you closer than I ever did before
And you'd never slip away
And you'd never hear me say
I remember the day you told me you were leaving
I remember the make-up running down your face
And the dreams you left behind you didn't need them
Like every single wish we ever made
I wish that I could wake up with amnesia
And forget about the stupid little things
Like the way it felt to fall asleep next to you
And the memories I never can escape
'Cause I'm not fine at all
No, I'm really not fine at all
Tell me this is just a dream
'Cause I'm really not fine at all
Twitter: @Choco_olats
Halie Loren & John Shipe - Beyond The Sea (Paintings - Peter van der Ploeg)
source: n nigani 2014年9月14日
Somewhere beyond the sea
Somewhere waiting for me
My lover stands on golden sands
And watches the ships that go sailing
Somewhere beyond the sea
She's there watching for me
If I could fly like birds on high
Then straight to her arms
I'd go sailing
It's far beyond the stars
It's near beyond the moon
I know beyond a doubt
My heart will lead me there soon
We'll meet beyond the shore
We'll kiss just as before
Happy we'll be beyond the sea
And never again I'll go sailing
I know beyond a doubt
My heart will lead me there soon
We'll meet (I know we'll meet) beyond the shore
We'll kiss just as before
Happy we'll be beyond the sea
And never again I'll go sailing
No more sailing
So long sailing
Bye, bye sailing...
Michael Cheval surreal Art ....a new ''Salvador Dali''
source: Irma irmash

Michael Cheval is one of the world's most famous contemporary artists working in the direction of the picturesque metaphorical absurdity. In the words of Michael, "is absurd side of reality upside down, the reverse side of logic. He was not born from the dreams surrealist, and not the result of the subconscious. Absurd - fantasy, where all links have been carefully chosen to build a literary subject
In 1998 the artist became a member of the prestigious New York Artists' Club, and was awarded prize Exhibition Committee Award in 2000. Since 2002, he also is a member of Society for Art of Imagination. Were released two albums with the artist's works - "Lullabies" in 2004 and "Nature of Absurdity" in 2007. His paintings are recognized worldwide, and they can often be seen in galleries in the U.S. and other countries.
Nick Cave - To Be By Your Side
source: Indeepsilence 2012年4月7日
(lyrics: from http://www.az-lyrics.us/item/334/334432/...)
Across the oceans across the seas,
Over forests of blackened trees.
Through valleys so still we dare not breathe,
To be by your side.
Over the shifting desert plains,
Across mountains all in flames.
Through howling winds and driving rains,
To be by your side.
Every mile and every year,
For everyone a little tear.
I cannot explain this, dear,
I will not even try.
Into the night as the stars collide,
Across the borders that divide
Forests of stone standing petrified,
To be by your side.
Every mile and every year,
For every one a single tear,
I cannot explain this, dear,
I will not even try.
For I know one thing,
Love comes on a wing,
For tonight I will be by your side,
But tomorrow I will fly.
From the deepest ocean to the highest peak,
Through the frontiers of your sleep.
Into the valley where we dare not speak,
To be by your side.
Across the endless wilderness,
Where all the beasts bow down their heads.
Darling, I will never rest
Till I am by your side.
Every mile and every year,
Time and distance disappear
I cannot explain this, dear no,
I will not even try.
And I know just one thing,
Love comes on a wing
And tonight I will be by your side.
But tomorrow I will fly away,
Love rises with the day
And tonight I may be by your side.
But tomorrow I will fly, tomorrow I will fly,
Tomorrow I will fly.
Boat on the river - Styx
source: βροχη του Νοεμβρη 2011年6月21日
Take me down to my boat on the river
I need to go down, I need to come down
Take me back to my boat on the river
And I won't cry out any more
Time stands still as I gaze In her waters
She eases me down, touching me gently
With the waters that flow past my boat on the river
So I won't cry out anymore
Oh the river is deep
The river it touches my life like the waves on the sand
And all roads lead to Tranquillity Base
Where the frown on my face disappears
Take me back to my boat on the river
And I won't cry out anymore
Oh the river is wide
The river it touches my life like the waves on the sand
And all roads lead to Tranquillity Base
Where the frown on my face disappears
Take me back to my boat on the river
And I won't cry out anymore
And I won't cry out anymore
And I won't cry out anymore
Obsolete - Tell No Foxx
source: Ines K. 2014年9月11日
picture by Li Hui: https://www.flickr.com/photos/3488109...
stalk Tell No Foxx:
stalk me:
Celtic Mermaid Music - Mermaid Secrets
I. Music-F-Derek Fiechter

source: Brandon Fiechter 2014年9月11日
iTunes : https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/mag...
Bandcamp: http://brandonfiechter.bandcamp.com/
Amazon mp3 : http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00H...
the carnival is over - the seekers (original 1968 music video)
source: lvcatable cat chan 2014年9月11日
dedicated to my very special friend - Patrick.
From their farewell concert at the BBC in London July 7 1968."The carnival is over".
The Seekers are an Australian folk-influenced pop quartet, originally formed in Melbourne in 1962. They were the first Australian pop music group to achieve major chart and sales success in the United Kingdom and the United States. They were popular during the 1960s with their best-known configuration as: Judith Durham on vocals, piano and tambourine; Athol Guy on double bass and vocals; Keith Potger on twelve-string guitar, banjo and vocals; and Bruce Woodley on guitar, mandolin, banjo and vocals.
the lovers - performed by perry botkin, jr - love theme from "aspen" (tv...
source: lvcatable cat chan 2014年9月8日
dedicated to my very special friend - Patrick.
作詞:俞琤 & 丁小菲
作曲:Herb Alpert
編曲:卡龍 & 鮑比達
誰令我能情深一片 令我輕柔如水清澈
令我心靈回復恬靜 令我拋棄內心牽掛
重拾往年純潔美夢 讓我心靈重得安慰
貪求思慕只因癡 一切眼淚、思憶都係徒然。
Paintings & Music - Albert Lynch & Armik
source: Orban Jolana 2014年9月10日
Albert Lynch (1851–1912) was a Peruvian painter.
Albert Lynch was born in 1851 in Trujillo, Peru. He settled in Paris, where he studied at l'École des Beaux-Arts. Lynch worked under the guidance of painters Jules Achille Noël, Gabriel Ferrier and Henri Lehmann. He showed his artwork in the Salon in 1890 and 1892 and in the Exposition Universelle of 1900 during which he received a gold medal. The women of his time were his favorite subject to paint and he preferred pastel, gouache and watercolor although he occasionally worked in the oil technique. His work maintained the spirit of the Belle Époque. He illustrated such books as Lady of the Camellias by Alexandre Dumas, fils, Le Père Goriot by Honoré de Balzac and La Parisienne by Henry Becque.
PSYCHE ~ The Outsider
source: soundmirror66 2014年9月9日
CD/Album: psyche ~ 69 Minutes Of History
Label: SPV Records Released: 1993
Lisa Ekdahl - Deep Inside Your Dreams
source: nigani i 2014年2月13日
(lyrics: from http://www.azlyricdb.com/lyrics/...)
If you want my love so fine
Sweet as heaven so divine
Close your eyes
It's me you'll find
Deep inside your dreams tonight
You won't have to kick and fight
To know my love feels oh so right
When you think I'm out of sight
I'll be deep inside your dreams tonight
You won't have to travel
On a moonbeam or a star
Or a rocket ship to Mars
Don't become unravelled
If you think I'm very far away
Come close I'll say
You don't have to feel uptight
Or make a wish with all your might
Just think of me and shut the lights
I'll be deep inside your dreams tonight
Deep inside your dreams tonight
Orphan - John Sokoloff / Susan Lowery
source: lana80701 2014年9月2日
Music written by John Sokoloff
Lyrics: Paul Golubovs Vocals: Susan Lowery
Musicians: John Sokoloff / Greg Pineda / Denny Croy / John Cota
Bizet - Je Crois Entendre Encore / Andre Kostelanetz (Paintings - Jia Lu)
source: stef2012bg 2014年9月5日
Orchestral version of "Je crois entendre encore", from the opera "Les pêcheurs de perles"
or "I believe I still hear her" from "The Pearl Fishers" by Georges Bizet
故夢 Withered Dreams - Composed by 千年破曉
source: TaiGekTou 2014年9月7日
Chinese Zither by: 不是兔子不是貓
The Chinese Moon Festival falls on the 8th of September this year. Families, friends, couples, and loners hold pretty lanterns to go out and gaze at the beautiful moon on this night.
陳彼得 - 嫦娥 (1983)

source: daniel33144 2012年9月29日
作詞 & 作曲:陳彼得;編曲:陳志遠
Brian Crain: Piano and Light ( full album )
source: andrewANDmusic 2013年1月12日
# buy his music:
01. Softness and Light - 0:00
02. In the Meadow - 5:40
03. Moonlit Shore - 8:36
04. At the Ivy Gate - 14:19
05. Pastel Garden - 19:14
06. Under the Willow - 22:10
07. Dream of Dreams - 26:39
08. Reflecting Pool - 31:01
09. A Glimmer In Her Eyes - 35:31
10. Imagining - 39:05
11. Dream of Flying - 42:34
12. Hallelujah - 48:07
Matthew L. Fisher & Elijah Bossenbroek Concert Live @ St. Cecelia
source: matthewfisherpiano 2012年8月11日
This is a live recording of the Matthew L. Fisher and Elijah Bossenbroek solo piano concert held at St. Cecelia Music Center in Grand Rapids, Michigan on July 13, 2012.
Matthew L. Fisher:
Beauty's Embrace 01:20
Love is in the Air 04:25
Broken Vessel 07:35
Your Hand in Mine 10:05
The Greatest Love 13:06
Ballroom for Ghosts 15:57
Start of Spring 18:50
In the Angel's Cars 21:45
One Last Time 25:52
Elijah Bossenbroek:
Life's A Stage Play 29:45
Assault 33:37
The Calm Before 37:40
Harmony In Disarray 40:37
Prism 44:52
I Give Up 44:23
Always Faithful 51:00
Rest 54:55
A Song of Simplicity 58:40
Try To Keep Up 1:01:25
Deserted 1:06:00
Reality Begins 1:09:10
Amazing Grace 1:14:25
New Song 1:18:30
New Song 1:22:00
More Beautiful/Sad Piano Songs By Brian Crain
source: Dávid Basic 2013年4月27日
# buy his music:
00:00 - Brian Crain - Dream of Flying
01:30 - Brian Crain - At The Ivy Gate
06:14 - Brian Crain - Childhood Memories
Brian Crain Live Concert (2012) [HD]
source: Brian Crain Fan 2013年3月2日
This is a live concert broadcasted by EBS. I like to thank eteroo413 for giving me the copy of this live concert plus this video contains a short interview segment as well.
# buy his music:
1.Brian Crain - A Walk in the Forest (Intro)
2.Brian Crain - Sunrise
3.Brian Crain - Moonrise aka Moonlight
4.Brian Crain - A Walk in the Forest
5.Brian Crain - Time Forgotten
6.Brian Crain - Winds (During the Interview)
7.Brian Crain - Song For Rome
8.Brian Crain - Song For Sienna
9.Brian Crain - Mid Summer Night
10.Brian Crain - Andante Affettuoso
11.Brian Crain - Song For Sienna
12.Brian Crain - Butterfly Waltz
13.Brian Crain - Arriang
1.Brian Crain - A Walk in the Forest (Intro)
2.Brian Crain - Sunrise
3.Brian Crain - Moonrise aka Moonlight
4.Brian Crain - A Walk in the Forest
5.Brian Crain - Time Forgotten
6.Brian Crain - Winds (During the Interview)
7.Brian Crain - Song For Rome
8.Brian Crain - Song For Sienna
9.Brian Crain - Mid Summer Night
10.Brian Crain - Andante Affettuoso
11.Brian Crain - Song For Sienna
12.Brian Crain - Butterfly Waltz
13.Brian Crain - Arriang
Lisa Ekdahl & Ane Brun - When (Photos - Fabrizia Milia)
source: n nigani 2014年9月4日
Album - Give me that slow knowing smile
I keep an eye on myself all the time
I only close one eye when I sleep
I keep the other one open all the time
Even when you seem to think my sleep is deep
Deep, deep, deep, deep
I keep myself on a leash all the time
Even when you think I'm running wild
I tell myself now don’t you run so fast
I tell myself girl, don't be such a child
Child, child, child, child
I have a list of rules up in my head
I think them through in bed before I rise
Even so you seem to think I'm out of line
Even so you seem to think I need advise
Advise, advise
Your advice, advice
I have a way of falling down from grace
I have a way of tripping now and then
But don't forget they say you learn from you mistakes
I wanna learn and if not now then baby
When, when, when, when, when
(I wanna learn and if not now then baby, when)
When, when
Tell me when, when
Paintings & Music - Evguenia Joganov & Eldar Mansurov
source: Orban Jolana 2014年9月3日
Evguenia Ioganov was born in Omsk, Russia, into a family of artists. She has been a full time artist by profession for over three decades. She’s studied in schools such as Serov’s College of Fine Arts for four years and the Academy of Fine Arts for six years, in St.Petersburg. Her career begun in Russia and, since 1992, has successfully continued into Canada where she currently resides.
Evguenia Ioganov has participated in many exhibitions and has received 18 National and International awards. Her work is found in many private and corporate collections across Canada, United States, England and the Permanent Collection of Government Newfoundland and Labrador.
Evguenia represented Canada in the Cultural Program for the Winter Olympic Games in Nagano, Japan.
Edit.music : Believ Music
Vladimir Volegov & Kevin Kern -" Childhood Remembered "
source: Orban Jolana 2014年8月17日
Website - http://www.KevinKern.com
Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/kevinkernmusic
Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/kevinkernmusic
YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/kevinpiano
Pandora - http://www.pandora.com/kevin-kern
iTunes - https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/kevin-kern/id58620320
風螢月 (Wind Moon and Fireflies)
source: TaiGekTou 2014年7月16日
Composed by: Zoey Flute by: Unknown
Picture: http://f2.topit.me/2/7f/7d/1140964452...
潘越雲 - 野百合也有春天 (1983)
source: shichwan

郁可唯-原諒不美好 (官方完整版MV)
source: 滾石唱片 ROCK RECORDS

♫ iTunes下載 http://goo.gl/oA74pt
♫ KKBOX http://goo.gl/uwm9sN
♫ myMusic http://goo.gl/Q4oTAU
♫ Omusic http://goo.gl/ZfBWt4
《原諒不美好》 作詞:接靚 作曲:彭飛 導演:許熙正
如果有些事讓你失望 如果有些人讓你心傷 如果有些話始終沒講 我代替他們請你原諒
如果有些事讓你迷惘 如果有些人讓你彷徨 如果有些歌始終沒唱 我代替他們請你原諒
La...... La......
原諒不美好的想像 原諒不切實際的期望 原諒不得不取消的約會時光 原諒患得患失的慌張
原諒飛機沒按時起航 原諒灰色的天和暗淡的陽光 然後把好心情點亮
音樂磁場-- 獨角戲
source: lucyhuang77

# buy their music: http://www.covermytunes.com/search....
source: lucyhuang77 2014年8月25日 Place: 六十石山B, Hualien, Taiwan
# buy their music: http://www.covermytunes.com/search....
Owl City - This Isn’t The End (Official Visualizer)
I. Music-O-Owl City

source: OwlCityVEVO

Owl City's latest EP, Ultraviolet available now at: http://smarturl.it/OwlCityUltravioletiT

Rostros y miradas profundas, "Percepción" es un reconocimiento a la artísta rusa Vij Vij, sus bellas imágenes son acompañadas con la extraordinaria música de Armand Amar con el tema: "Whales".
Give Me Something - Seafret
source: Ines K.

amazing art by Antoine Cordet:
stalk Seafret:
stalk me:
Lykke Li - No Rest For The Wicked (Live at Trianon)
I. Music-L-Lykke Li

source: Lykke Li

Extract from Lykke Li's live show at Trianon (Paris) filmed on May 6th, 2014.
WATCH FULL SHOW ON ARTE CONCERT: http://concert.arte.tv/fr/lykke-li-au..
Produced by Blogothèque in association with ARTE France.
Find full dates and tickets for Lykke Li's I Never Learn tour at http://lykkeli.com/tour
(lyrics: http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/lykkeli/norestforthewicked.html)
My one heart hurt another
So only one life can't be enough
Can you give me just another
For that one who got away
Lonely I, I'm so alone now
There'll be no rest for the wicked
There's no song for the choir
There's no hope for the weary
If you let them win without a fight
If one heart can mend another
Only then can we begin
So won't you hold on a little longer
Don't let them get away
Lonely I, I'm so alone now
There'll be no rest for the wicked
There's no song for the choir
There's no hope for the weary
If you let them win without a fight
I let my good one down
I let my true love die
I had his heart but I broke it every time
Lonely I, I'm so alone now
There'll be no rest for the wicked
There's no song for the choir
There's no hope for the weary
If you let them win without a fight
I let my good one down
I let my true love die
I had his heart but I broke it every time
琵琶語 (林海的曲,林風眠的畫)
source: lionriver 2007年5月31日
buy the music:
林海 - 對歌 (風潮2003"琵琶相"專輯)
source: lionriver 2007年6月4日
# provided by tttooorrreee:
收錄在風潮2003出版的"琵琶相"專輯 製作人: 林海 琵琶: 蔣彥 蒙古長調對唱: 烏仁其木格, 谷峰 笛: 戴亞 歌詞大意: 我美麗的家鄉啊 我衷心為你歌唱 Album title: Pipa Images Published in 2003 by Wind Records. This is the fifth song "A Duet" Producer: Lin Hai Pipa Performer: Jiang Yen
buy the music:
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