
Talking Heads - (Nothing But) Flowers -

source: Adamfulgence   2014年7月31日
Talking Heads is an American new wave band (l975-1991). The song, “Nothing but flowers” comes from their last album, “Naked” (1988)
This song is a satire in that the lyrics are expressing a pretty exact opposite to any song that would place the presence/importance of nature/simplicity in our lives ahead of the advances of modern life as we see it now. It is often mentioned as a direct contrast to Joni Mitchell's song, Big Yellow Taxi. That's why I agree with many others that it's a clever satire.
“Talking Heads” is a term used in the TV industry. On news shows, for example, it refers to the camera’s focus on the head and upper shoulders of the newscaster. As a result, the head appears disconnected from the body. The band created its name from this term.