
Mohicans: Tayta Wirak'ocha

source: M. Laurens Bullstar   2011年8月14日
Viracocha created the universe, sun, moon and stars, time (by commanding the sun to move over the sky) and civilization itself. -- Viracocha teremtette a világot, napot, holdat,a csillagokat, az időt (parancsára a nap is arrébb állt az égen) és a civilizációt magát is.
'Mohicans' is mostly composed, produced, played and arranged by Fabrizio Baldoni, Gino de Stefani, Paolo RE and Simone Coen.
Music not folk of Natine Americans. It's, "Music inspired by the deep spirit of Native Americans". In real,
i'ts a New Aged (and a little bit Ethnic Fusioned) variations on the Music of Native Americans theme.