
L'Apaisement....Michel Pépé - Le sourire de l'âme

source: dayasakti

Franz Schubert - Serenade

source: Andreea Petcu

Sissel - All good things

source: loami13

All Good Things (Morten Abel/Børge Fjordheim)
source: http://www.lyricsmania.com/all_good_things_lyrics_sissel.html

If you ever would need someone
Then think of me
If you ever would need someone
Then think of me

Need you ever to love someone
Consider me
Will you ever know your lover's gone
So think of me

All good things comes to the one who waits
All good things comes to the one who waits

Since I never have had to fight
I loose easily
Since I never have had to fight
I still believe


All good things comes to the one who waits
All good things comes to the one who waits

All good things comes to the one who waits
All good things comes to the one who waits

If you ever would need someone
Then think of me

(Morten Abel/Børge Fjordheim)

If you ever would need someone
Then think of me
If you ever would need someone
Then think of me

Need you ever to love someone
Consider me
Will you ever know your lover's gone
So think of me

All good things comes to the one who waits
All good things comes to the one who waits

Since I never have had to fight
I loose easily
Since I never have had to fight
I still believe


All good things comes to the one who waits
All good things comes to the one who waits

All good things comes to the one who waits
All good things comes to the one who waits

If you ever would need someone
Then think of me

Delain - Sleepwalker's Dream

source: kate4ever1

source:  http://www.lyricsmode.com/lyrics/d/delain/sleepwalkers_dream.html

Close your eyes
For the night is falling
Fear no dark
For it's warm and safe
And looks familiar
As it comes approaching
Come with me
And I will take you

A world beyond your sleep
Beyond what's real
An in safety hidden sphere
Away from our daily reality
Truth lies out there 2x

As the innocent
Lay their heads down
As the night chants its
Luring call
Cross the borders of
Sense and foresight
Come with me
And I will take you
You don't have to be afraid

[Chorus 2:]
A tear is only water
A sigh is only air
Whenever you feel haunted
Truth lies out there 2x



夜深沉 - 田鳴恩

source: lvcatable
譜自蕭邦的練習曲作品編號十第三首 (Chopin's Etude in E Major, Op.10, No.3)


無月也無星 黑夜深沉
沒有光明 來將我倒映

寂寞的心 懷念伊人
是否再會歸來 從遙遠的地方

昨夜夢裏 我倆相依
甜甜蜜蜜 但願美夢
永遠不醒 生生世世

黑夜一升 寂寞又清淒
希望再見你 無月無星
黑夜深沉 寂寞無音

田鳴恩 (1918-1994) 出身於正統音樂學院﹐在抗戰期間﹐活躍於一些合唱團﹐演唱愛國歌曲以鼓勵百姓奮勇抗敵­。1941年於重慶國立上海音樂學院教學。1950年﹐於香港大酒店舉行的一場 "國立音專留港校友音樂會" 中擔任指揮﹐不久正式為中國基督教聖樂院上課 (1960年易名為 "香港音樂專科學校" ) ﹐為香港培養了不少音樂人才。50至60年代分別為大中華唱片及百代唱片灌錄歌曲。1­953年與王若詩為林黛及嚴俊主演的電影 "翠翠" 幕後代唱插曲七首﹐但可惜導演嚴俊因著歌曲大受歡迎﹐遂據為己有與林黛在百代唱片灌錄­成唱片。同年參與拍攝李翰祥導演的電影 "嫦娥" ﹐演出男主角 "后羿" ﹐乃是一部古裝歌唱片。1959年創辦了 "華聲合唱團" ,1963年移居新加坡﹐ 1979年間曾於北京﹑武漢﹑南寧講學﹐幫助不少學生解決唱高音 (High C) 的問題。後來著有 "科學的唱法 : 如何唱高音" 一書﹐以下節錄自他的自述 ︰"我在意大利解決了高音後﹐又去英國考取了英國皇家音樂學院的演唱家文憑。回到新加­坡﹐因工作勞累﹐得了中風症﹐不能再上舞台演唱......... "
(以上資料來自︰Muzikland 樂多日誌)

Brulé - One World, One Nation

source: becixmat

Brulé - Celebration of the Heart

source: becixmat

Brulé - Man in the Sky

source: becixmat

Ernesto Cortazar- Encounter in the Future

source: becixmat

Wolfsheart - Southwest Skies

source: iMusicianWorld - World Music  2014年4月24日
Buy this track : http://www.imusiciandigital.com/track...
Monetise your music :http://www.imusiciandigital.com/en/Mu...

Soraidh Bhuam __ ♫ Gu Barrith ♫

source:   Annie Schonkeren


Pink Martini - Let's Never Stop Falling in Love (paintings - David Renshaw)

source: stef2012bg

I wish a falling star could fall forever
And sparkle through the clouds and stormy weather
And in the darkness of the night
The star would shine a glimmering light
And hover above our love

Please hold me close and whisper that you love me
And promise that your dreams are only of me
When you are near, everything's clear
Earth is a beautiful heaven
Always I hope that we follow the star
And be forever floating above

I know a falling star can't fall forever
But let's never stop falling in love

When you are near, everything's clear
Earth is a beautiful heaven
Always I hope that we shine like the star
And be forever floating above

I know a falling star can't fall forever
And let's never stop falling in love
No let's never stop falling in love

Giovanni Marradi - Romantico

source: Rossica59



source: 滾石唱片 ROCK RECORDS     2013年9月27日

詞曲 李宗盛

親愛的Landy 我的弟弟

我知道你不在意 因為許多不切實際的鼓勵
我知道你不在意 因為許多不切實際的鼓勵


我們都是和自己賽跑的人 為了更好的未來
我們都是和自己賽跑的人 為了更好的明天
拼命努力前方沒有終點 奮鬥永不停息


我們都是和自己賽跑的人 為了更好的未來
我們都是和自己賽跑的人 為了更好的明天
拼命努力前方沒有終點 奮鬥永不停息
music: 「和自己賽跑的人」,演出者:李宗盛 (iTunes)

陰天 - 李宗盛

source: 滾石唱片 ROCK RECORDS      2013年9月27日
作詞 李宗盛 作曲 李宗盛/周國儀

陰天 在不開燈的房間
香煙 氳成一灘光圈
傻傻兩個人 笑的多甜

除了激情褪去後的 那一點點倦
總之那幾年 感性贏了理性那一面

陰天 在不開燈的房間
愛恨情慾裡的疑點 盲點
女孩 通通讓到一邊
若想真明白 真要好幾年

回想那一天 喧鬧的喜宴
感情說穿了 一人掙脫的 一人去撿
男人大可不必 百口莫辯
女人實在無須 楚楚可憐
總之那幾年 你們兩個沒有緣

陰天 在不開燈的房間
香煙 氳成一灘光圈
傻傻兩個人 笑的多甜
傻傻兩個人 笑的多甜

李宗盛 - 給自己的歌 (官方完整版MV)

source: 滾石唱片 ROCK RECORDS
詞曲 李宗盛@縱貫線 編曲 縱貫線SuperBand

想得卻不可得 你奈人生何
該捨的捨不得 只顧著跟往事瞎扯

等你發現時間是賊了 它早已偷光你的選擇
愛戀不過是一場高燒 思念是緊跟著的好不了的咳

是不能原諒卻無法阻擋 恨意在夜裡翻牆
是空空蕩蕩卻嗡嗡作響 誰在你心裡放冷槍

然後好幾年都聞不得 問不得女人香

往事並不如煙 是的 在愛裡念舊也不算美德
可惜戀愛不像寫歌 再認真也成不了風格


歲月 你別催 該來的我不推 該還的還該給的我給
歲月 你別催 走遠的我不追 我不過是想弄清原委

誰能告訴我 這是什麼呢
她的愛在心裡 埋葬了 抹平了 幾年了

是不能原諒卻無法阻擋 愛意在夜裡翻牆
是空空蕩蕩卻嗡嗡作響 誰在你心裡放冷槍

然後好幾年都聞不得 問不得女人香
然後好幾年都聞不得 問不得女人香

想得卻不可得 你奈人生何
想得卻不可得 情愛裡無智者

李宗盛 - 生命中的精靈(LIVE版) (官方完整版MV)

source: 滾石唱片 ROCK RECORDS
詞曲 李宗盛

再一次 再一次給我開放的心靈
關於愛情的路啊 我們都曾經走過
關於愛情的歌啊 我們已聽的太多
關於我們的事啊 他們統統都猜錯
關於心中的話 心中的話
只對你 一個人說
襯托你 襯托你靦腆的容顏

李宗盛 - 鬼迷心竅 (官方完整版MV)

source: 滾石唱片 ROCK RECORDS
詞曲 李宗盛

曾經真的以為人生就這樣了 平靜的心拒絕再有浪潮
斬了千次的情絲卻斷不了 百轉千折它將我圍繞
有人問我你究竟是那裡好 這麼多年我還忘不了
春風再美也比不上你的笑 沒見過你的人不會明瞭

是鬼迷了心竅也好 是前世的因緣也好
然而這一切已不再重要 如果你能夠重回我懷抱
是命運的安排也好 是你存心的捉弄也好
然而這一切已不再重要 我願意隨你到天涯海角

雖然歲月總是匆匆地催人老 雖然情愛總是讓人煩惱
雖然未來如何不能知道 現在說再見會不會太早

MUSIC from INNER EARTH coming from secret cave in Tibet.flv

source: Astraelia Vega

Make you feel my love Adele Lyrics on Screen

source: oltrelorizzonte    2013年8月17日
Remake of my video made dec 31st 2011

Guido Negraszus - Island of Dreams

source: Vojtech Matlák  2014年3月17日

Sarah Brightman __ ♫ El Hambra ♫

source: Annie Schonkeren

Giovanni Marradi - Prelude

source: Rossica59

Moonlight Dubhouse Remix (Official Braxtek remix) - ThePianoGuys

source: thepianoguys2
Purchase on iTunes here: http://itunes.apple.com/album/moonlig...

(the original one)
Moonlight - Electric Cello (Inspired by Beethoven) - ThePianoGuys

source:  ThePianoGuys


Swing Republic - Crazy in Love

source: nnigani

Paintings - Esther Erlich
I look and stare so deep in your eyes
I touch on you more and more every time
When you leave I'm beggin you not to go
Call your name two, three times in a row
Such a funny thing for me to try to explain
How I'm feeling and my pride is the one to blame
Yeah, cause I know I don't understand
Just how your love can do what no on else can

Got me lookin so crazy right now
Your love's got me lookin so crazy right now
(Your love)
Got me lookin so crazy right now your touch's
Got me lookin so crazy right now
(Your touch)
Got me hoping you page me right now your kiss's
Got me hoping you save me right now
Lookin so crazy your love's got me lookin
Got me lookin so crazy your love

When I talk to my friends so quietly
"Who he think he is?" Look at what you've done to me
Tennis shoes don't even need to buy a new dress
You ain't there, ain't nobody else to impress
It's the way that you know what I thought I knew
It's the beat that my heart skips when I'm with you
Yeah, but I still don't understand
Just how your love can do what no one else can

Got me lookin so crazy right now
Your love's got me lookin so crazy right now
(Your love)
Got me lookin so crazy right now your touch's
Got me lookin so crazy right now
(Your touch)
Got me hoping you page me right now your kiss's
Got me hoping you save me right now
Lookin so crazy your love's got me lookin
Got me lookin so crazy your love

Got me looking so crazy, my baby
I'm not myself lately
I'm foolish, I don't do this
I've been played myself
Baby I don't care
Cuz your love got the best of me
And baby you're making a fool of me
You got me sprung and I don't care who sees
Cuz baby you got me so crazy

Got me lookin so crazy right now
Your love's got me lookin so crazy right now
(Your love)
Got me lookin so crazy right now your touch's
Got me lookin so crazy right now
(Your touch)
Got me hoping you page me right now your kiss's
Got me hoping you save me right now
Lookin so crazy your love's got me lookin
got me lookin so crazy your love

Guido Negraszus - Sailing

source: Truus1949

Guido Negraszus - Journey to Fairyland

source: Vojtech Matlák  2014年3月18日

John Rhyman - A Kiss Apart

source: Truus1949


George Winston - Winter into Spring (1982) [1-8]

source: john smith  2010年1月4日
George Winston - January Stars 6:38  
George Winston - February Sea 5:20  
George Winston - Ocean Waves 7:10  
George Winston - Reflection 2:48  
George Winston - Rain 10:01  
George Winston - Blossom/Meadow 4:08  
George Winston - The Venice Dreamer Part One (Introduction) 2:24  
The Venice Dreamer Part Two 5:40

Sarah Brightman & José Carreras - Amigos Para Siempre (Friends For Life)

source: Dama Hechicera

source: sheerfolly2

"Amigos Para Siempre" is a 1992 single by Sarah Brightman and José Carreras, released to coincide with the 1992 Barcelona Olympic Games. The single was released on Polydor (EMI) and was part of the theme music for the international sporting event. The song was not included on an original studio album, but is included on the 1997 Sarah Brightman compilation album "The Andrew Lloyd Webber Collection".
"Amigos Para Siempre" ("Friends for Life") was written and composed by Andrew Lloyd Webber (music) and Don Black (lyrics, with the exception of the title phrase). The single peaked at #11 on the UK Singles Chart and #1 on the Australian Singles Chart.
The music video for the single was filmed on location in Barcelona, Spain with images of past Olympic notables and events.

source: http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/sarahbrightman/amigosparasiempre.html

"Amigos Para Siempre" (performed with José Carreras)

I don't have to say
A word to you
You seem to know
Whatever mood
I'm going through
Feels as though
I've known you forever

Can look into my eyes and see
The way I feel
And how
The world is treating me
Maybe I have known you forever

Amigos para siempre
Means you'll always be my friend
Amics per sempre
Means a love that cannot end
Friends for life
Not just a summer or a spring
Amigos para siempre

I feel you near me
Even when we are apart
Just knowing you are in this world
Can warm my heart
Friends for life
Not just a summer or a spring
Amigos para siempre

We share memories
I won't forget
And we'll share more,
My friend,
We haven't started yet
Something happens
When we're together

I look at you
I wonder why
There has to come
A time when we must say goodbye
I'm alive when we are together

Amigos para siempre
Means you'll always be my friend
Amics per sempre
Means a love that cannot end
Friends for life
Not just a summer or a spring
Amigos para siempre

I feel you near me
Even when we are apart
Just knowing you are in this world
Can warm my heart
Friends for life
Not just a summer or a spring
Amigos para siempre

I look at you
I wonder why
There has to come
A time when we must say goodbye

I'm alive when we are together
Amigos para siempre
Means you'll always be my friend
Amics per sempre
Means a love that cannot end
Friends for life
Not just a summer or a spring
Amigos para siempre

I feel you near me
Even when we are apart
Just knowing you are in this world
Can warm my heart
Friends for life
Not just a summer or a spring
Amigos para siempre

Amigos para siempre
Means you'll always be my friend
Amics per sempre
Means a love that cannot end
Friends for life
Not just a summer or a spring
Amigos para siempre
Amigos para siempre

Ernesto Cortazar - Russian Cold

source: zioung ming  2013年8月4日

Yanni - Never Too Late

source: TBluedream

Niall & Juliana - Guardian Angels

source: becixmat

Laliya - Just Like River

source: sunshinewings  2007年1月14日
Laliya are James Maguire and Melissa Howlett-Maguire. Their current home is Australia.


Secret Garden - ✿ First day of spring ✿

source: TBluedream

Leonard Cohen - Dance me to the end of Love...

source: bluesensation75

"Dance Me To The End Of Love" (lyrics)
source: http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/leonardcohen/dancemetotheendoflove.html

Dance me to your beauty with a burning violin
Dance me through the panic 'til I'm gathered safely in
Lift me like an olive branch and be my homeward dove
Dance me to the end of love
Dance me to the end of love
Oh let me see your beauty when the witnesses are gone
Let me feel you moving like they do in Babylon
Show me slowly what I only know the limits of
Dance me to the end of love
Dance me to the end of love

Dance me to the wedding now, dance me on and on
Dance me very tenderly and dance me very long
We're both of us beneath our love, we're both of us above
Dance me to the end of love
Dance me to the end of love

Dance me to the children who are asking to be born
Dance me through the curtains that our kisses have outworn
Raise a tent of shelter now, though every thread is torn
Dance me to the end of love

Dance me to your beauty with a burning violin
Dance me through the panic till I'm gathered safely in
Touch me with your naked hand or touch me with your glove
Dance me to the end of love
Dance me to the end of love
Dance me to the end of love

Michael Meets Mozart - ThePianoGuys

source: ThePianoGuys

Pink Martini - Mar Desconocido

source: nnigani         
Pink Martini - Album "Hey Eugene"

Barco en el mar lejos de ti
El horizonte, línea sin fin
Nubes que llenan mi soledad
Pintan tu boca parecen hablar

De esta tormenta no pasaré
El fin del mundo no encontraré
Maderos crujen, el día se va
Nube tan negra me llevará

De tanto y tanto navegar
Mis lágrimas caen al mar
El viento disuelve mi voz
No quedan huellas entre los dos

Sin mapa ni guía, caí en ti
En tu marea yo me perdí
Navegar a ciegas esta pasion
Barco en las olas de tu corazón

Me pregunté cuando partí
Si esta corriente llegaba a ti
Solo quede con mi ilusion
Isla perdida de una ficción

De tanto y tanto navegar
Mis lágrimas caen al mar
El viento disuelve mi voz
No quedan huellas entre los dos

Deva Premal - Om Ram Ramaya

source: Rossica59


The Daydream - I miss you

source: Eduardo Ulloa Peña

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - Winter Wrap Up (Song)

source: Meta Omega  
Show: My Little Pony - Friendship is Magic
Episode: 1x11 - Winter Wrap Up
Song: Winter Wrap Up


Three months of winter coolness, and awesome holidays
We've kept our hoofsies warm at home, time off from work to play
But the food we've stored is running out, and we can't grow in this cold
And even though I love my boots, this fashion's getting old

The time has come to welcome spring, and all things warm and green
But it's also time to say goodbye, it's winter we must clean
How can I help, I'm new you see
What does everypony do?
How do I fit in without magic?
I haven't got a clue

Winter wrap up, winter wrap up
Let's finish our holiday cheer
Winter wrap up, winter wrap up
'Cause tomorrow spring is here
'Cause tomorrow spring is here

Bringing home the southern birds, a pegasus' job begins
And clearing all the gloomy skies, to let the sun shine in
We move the clouds, and we melt the white snow
When the sun comes up, its warmth and beauty will glow

Winter wrap up, winter wrap up
Let's finish our holiday cheer
Winter wrap up, winter wrap up
'Cause tomorrow spring is here
Winter wrap up, winter wrap up
'Cause tomorrow spring is here
'Cause tomorrow spring is here

Little critters hibernate, under the snow and ice
We wake up all the sleepyheads, so quietly and nice
We help them gather up their food, fix their homes below
We welcome back the southern birds, so their families can grow

Winter wrap up, winter wrap up
Let's finish our holiday cheer
Winter wrap up, winter wrap up
'Cause tomorrow spring is here
Winter wrap up, winter wrap up
'Cause tomorrow spring is here
'Cause tomorrow spring is here

No easy task to clear the ground, plant our tiny seeds
With proper care and sunshine, everyone it feeds
Apples, carrots, celery stalks, colorful flowers too
We must work so very hard, it's just so much to do

Winter wrap up, winter wrap up
Let's finish our holiday cheer
Winter wrap up, winter wrap up
'Cause tomorrow spring is here
Winter wrap up, winter wrap up
'Cause tomorrow spring is here
'Cause tomorrow spring is here

Now that I know what they all do, I have to find my place
And help with all of my heart, tough task ahead I face
How will I do without my magic, help the earth pony way?
I wanna belong so I must do my best today
Do my best today

Winter wrap up, winter wrap up
Let's finish our holiday cheer
Winter wrap up, winter wrap up
'Cause tomorrow spring is here
Winter wrap up, winter wrap up
'Cause tomorrow spring is here
'Cause tomorrow spring is here
'Cause tomorrow spring is here

Somebody That I Used to Know - Walk off the Earth (Gotye - Cover)

source: walkofftheearth

"Somebody That I Used To Know" (lyrics)
(originally by Gotye)
source: http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/walkofftheearth/somebodythatiusedtoknow.html

Now and then I think of when we were together
Like when you said you felt so happy you could die
Told myself that you were right for me
But felt so lonely in your company
But that was love and it's an ache I still remember

You can get addicted to a certain kind of sadness
Like resignation to the end, always the end
So when we found that we could not make sense
Well you said that we would still be friends
But I'll admit that I was glad that it was over

But you didn't have to cut me off
Make out like it never happened and that we were nothing
And I don't even need your love
But you treat me like a stranger and that feels so rough
No you didn't have to stoop so low
Have your friends collect your records and then change your number
I guess that I don't need that though
Now you're just somebody that I used to know

Now you're just somebody that I used to know
Now you're just somebody that I used to know

Now and then I think of all the times you screwed me over
But had me believing it was always something that I'd done
And I don't wanna live that way
Reading into every word you say
You said that you could let it go
And I wouldn't catch you hung up on somebody that you used to know

But you didn't have to cut me off
Make out like it never happened and that we were nothing
And I don't even need your love
But you treat me like a stranger and that feels so rough
No you didn't have to stoop so low
Have your friends collect your records and then change your number
I guess that I don't need that though
Now you're just somebody that I used to know

(I used to know)
Now you're just somebody that I used to know (That I used to know)
(I used to know)
Now you're just somebody that I used to know (That I used to know)
(I used to know)
(That I used to know)
(I used to know)

Thanks to Steven for adding these lyrics.
Thanks to Neon for correcting these lyrics.

Sarah Brightman - Scarborough Fair

source: greathan2000
Sarah Brightman-Scarborough Fair

Are you going to Scarborough Fair?
Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme
Remember me to one who lives there
He once was a true love of mine

Tell him to make me a cambric shirt
Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme
Without no seams nor needle work
Then he'll be a true love of mine

Tell him to find me an acre of land
Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme
Between salt water and the sea strands
Then he'll be a true love of mine

Tell him to reap it with a sickle of leather
Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme
And gather it all in a bunch of heather
Then he'll be a true love of mine

Are you going to Scarborough Fair?
Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme
Remember me to one who lives there
He once was a true love of mine

莎拉·布萊曼 - 斯卡布羅集市






Yanni - Paths On Water

source: TBluedream


Sergey Grishchuk - ILLUSION (Paintings - Jean-Baptiste Valadié)

source: stef2012bg

Adam Young - 99 Red Balloons

source: SimplyBluePenguin

Delain - Mother Machine

source: kate4ever1

Bliss --- ♫ End Titles ♫

source: Annie Schonkeren

Kitaro - Celestial Scenery: Heart Beat Vol. 10 (Full Album)

source: kitarotv· 2013-01-18
Kitaro - Celestial Scenery: Heart Beat Vol. 10 (Full Album)
iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/cele...
MP3: http://www.payloadz.com/go?id=1490285

Heart Beat is the tenth and final album in Kitaro's Celestial Scenery series. Unlike its predecessors, this one is all live tracks! If you turn up the volume and close your eyes, it's like Kitaro is giving a private concert just for you. Let Heart Beat pour out of your speakers and envelope you with its warm, enchanting notes. It opens, fittingly, with the track "Hajimari" (The Beginning) and concludes with signature piece "Silk Road".

01. Hajimari (Live)
02. Sozo (Live)
03. Mercury (Live)
04. Chant From The Heart (Live)
05. Spirit Of Taiko (Live)
06. Kokoro (Live)
07. The Light Of The Spirit (Live)
08. Silk Road (Live)

More Information at Domo Music Group

Kitaro - Celestial Scenery: Galactic Flight Vol. 9 (Full Album)

source: kitarotv 2013-01-07
Kitaro - Celestial Scenery: Galactic Flight Vol. 9 (Full Album)
iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/cele...
MP3: http://www.payloadz.com/go?id=1490244

Galactic Flight, the second to last album in Kitaro's Celestial Scenery collection, gives praise to the mysterious realm of space. Why listen to it in a sterile white room? Pack blankets and breakfast and go sleep under the stars. Once you're away from the light pollution of the big cities, the enormous expanse of space will reveal itself in full galactic splendor. Only then will you be able to ascend to Kitaro's level when he crafted Galactic Flight.

01. Estrella
02. Milky Way
03. Magical Wave
04. Message From The Cosmos
05. Solar System Trapeze
06. Planet (Live)
07. Moon-Star
08. Sundance
09. Del Mar
10. Cosmic Love (Live)

More Information at Domo Music Group

Kitaro - Celestial Scenery: Divine Spirit Vol. 8 (Full Album)

source: kitarotv·2013-01-07
Kitaro - Celestial Scenery: Divine Spirit Vol. 8 (Full Album)
iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/cele...
MP3: http://www.payloadz.com/go?id=1489903

In Divine Spirits, the eighth album in the Celestial Scenery compilation, Kitaro draws his inspiration from the invisible deities and forces of nature. The Taiko is here, as well as its companion thunder. The keyboard is here as well, complementing the sound of water. The synthesizer ties it up into a nice little aural package. There's even a live version of Mandala nestled in as the third track. Over-all, it's a calming album with excellent texture that's sure to please any long-standing Kitaro fan.

01. God Of Thunder
02. In The Beginning
03. Mandala (Live)
04. The Light Of The Spirit
05. Spirit Of Water
06. Strength
07. The Escape
08. Lord Of Wind
09. Reimei

More Information at Domo Music Group

Kitaro - Celestial Scenery: Fairy Stories, Volume 7 (Full Album)

source: kitarotv·2013-01-07
Kitaro - Celestial Scenery: Fairy Stories, Volume 7 (Full Album)
iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/cele...
MP3: http://www.payloadz.com/go?id=1489900

Kitaro leads listeners on a trip through fantasyland with volume 7 of Celestial Scenery, Fairy Stories. ALthough suitable for all ages, this album is particularly ideal for children. A child lying in bed listening to this album will fall asleep imagining adventures inspired by the bizarre "The Costume SHop", the watery "Flying Celestial Nymphs", or the triumphant "Orochi". To parents, Fairy Stories would also be ideal for playing in the background while reading selections from Brothers Grimm.

01. Mysterious Encounter
02. Flying Celestial Nymphs
03. Contortionists
04. The Tailor
05. Costume Shop
06. Lady Of Dreams
07. The Wizard
08. Galina
09. Linden
10. Orochi

More Information at Domo Music Group

Kitaro - Celestial Harmonies: Breezing Universe, Vol. 6 (Full Album)

source: kitarotv·2013-01-07
Kitaro - Celestial Harmonies: Breezing Universe, Vol. 6 (Full Album)
iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/cele...
MP3: http://www.payloadz.com/go?id=1489693

Volume six of Celestial Scenery, Breezing Universe, possesses actual sounds of nature beyond instruments. You can hear trickling water, the ocean's waves, and the gentle thud of a beating heart. Song titles like Howling Thunder, Symphony of the Forest, and Stream lend additional organic imagery to the music. If you really want to go the extra mile to experience Breezing Universe, listen to it outdoors.

01. Earth Born
02. Aqua
03. Stream
04. Voice Of The Wind
05. A Passage Of Life
06. Harmony Of The Forest
07. Howling Thunder
08. Symphony Of The Forest
09. Song For Peace

More Information at Domo Music Group


Yanni - With an Orchid

source: TBluedream

Lullaby - Alexey Arkhipovskiy

source: Rossica59   2013年8月4日

滄海一聲笑 - 黄霑 徐克 羅大佑

# 林杰樑醫師今天去世...
   下面據說是他最喜歡的一首歌  一首很有中國俠士風味的歌

source: tytnsm

Diane Arkenstone ♥ The Secret Garden

source: deepdivemouse   2013年8月4日
Diane Arkenstone with the song The Secret Garden.
The poem is by a young gifted poet from Nigeria. His name is Chidiebere Franklin.
I dedicate the video to the "Mother of the World". This is just an expression of the owner of my favorite channel. She currently paused from Youtube and I miss her beautiful videos. So I thought I could lure her back with one of my videos :-).
I would like to thank you dear Truus. You have shown in all your videos something from the depths of your soul and endless beauty.
Know that your friends and fans will welcome you with open arms when you return. Especially a DeepDiveMouse in Germany :-).

Me - Plumb

source: ceekay1952
(lyrics: from http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/plumb/me.html)

I haven't had
A chance to sleep
And when I wake
I wake with your dreams
I guess my pillow
Holds some kind of key
To your peace
Your peace


I wouldn't trade your love for all the candy

In this great big world


I feel so crazy blessed and oh so lucky
To be the place you go
Whenyou need to feel safe
When you need a kiss
It's me

I haven't showered

And I tried to eat

But all your tears

Oh they needed me

I need some time, some time to think
But when I hear you
And what you need is...


I wouldn't trade your love for all the candy

In this great big world


I feel so crazy blessed and oh so lucky
To be the place you go
Whenyou need to feel safe
When you need a kiss
It's me

I wash your face

To make room for

All the kisses

Of tomorrow

And every day
That I get to 
Be here with you
Is sweet


I wouldn't trade your love for all the candy

In this great big world


I feel so crazy blessed and oh so lucky
To be the place you go
Whenyou need to feel safe
When you need a kiss
It's me

Oh don't be afraid

Cause you'll have is....



Otros Aires - Los vino (Paintings - Massimo Pennacchini)

source: nnigani         2013年5月23日
No se si fue por los vino,
no se si fue por su boca
pero entre tanto tango encontré
su ropa, junto a mi ropa.

No se si fue por Castillo,
Pugliese, Troilo o Darienzo
pero su abrazo en mis manos
era un pincel y la pista un lienzo

Hay los vino, seguro que fueron los vino
(Yo no fuí)
Seguro que fueron...los vino.

No se si fue por los vino,
no se si fue por su aliento
pero entre tanda y tanda encontré
su ombligo, junto a mi cuerpo.

Y así volando en la gloria
Y aterrizando en la ruina
yo fui cayendo y cayendo
en la red de esas medias...asesinas

Hay los vino, seguro que fueron los vino
(Yo no fuí)
Seguro que fueron...los vino.

Guido Negraszus - Ocean Blue

source: Vojtech Matlák    2014年3月16日

Endless Light

source: Seven7Lives