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Paintings & Music - Oleg Bulgakov & Ernesto Cortazar
source: Orban Jolana 2015年3月10日
Oleg Bulgakov was born in 1970 on September 14. He graduated from Krasnodar Art School. More recently, a member of the Union of Artists of the Kuban. We are all well aware of the beauty of this wonderful land. As an artist, it is simply impossible to pass by these picturesque places away from the progress of civilization and live their lives untouched.
Find themselves in nature, it always seems that this is real life, and where cars, renovated apartment with his hands, eternal bustle, skyscrapers - some are said Slavs wraith. Probably the same feeling and Oleg Bulgakov. Masterfully wielding a brush, it passes in the tradition of the classical school of painting these extraordinarily beautiful place. None of the camera is not able to convey the mood and state of euphoria that he felt at the time artist. A series of paintings, by analogy with another cycle, I would say: "It was on the Kuban artist." Follower of Shishkin and Savrasov, it is a bright star in the sky of all Russian art.
- Images and music from the Internet. ( www.google.hu/search?q=oleg+bulgakov+painter)