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Paintings & Music - Denis Oktyabr - (Music Dr.Zhivago)
source: Orban Jolana 2015年11月10日
Son of a popular Siberian artist Valery Oktyabr, Денис Октябрь was born in a Russian city Novoaltaisk to continue the family artistic tradition. In 1992 Denis finished Artists School and in 1997 graduated Artistic College of Novoaltaisk. Oktyabr paints portraits, landscapes, genre pictures. In his paintings Oktyabr tries to abstract his mind and brush from shapes and stereotypes to reflect feelings, emotions and to illustrate the sacred process of perception and meditation. Shapes and colors of his paintings are perfect instruments to explore and embody ideas and sensations. Looking at his pictures one feels that there is a vision of the way things are intended to be, but never are.
Music: Maurice Jarre ( Laras Theme)